Tournament Information:
- Tournament Name:
- 36th Tecnifibre Schools Tennis 10s Tournament 2024 By Oceanic Sportel
- Tournament Grade:
- Grade 3
- Province/City:
- Phuket
- No. of Courts On Site:
- 6
- Events Played:
- Indoors / Outdoors:
- Indoors
- Hospitality Provided:
- No
- Tournament Start Date:
- 23-11-2024
- Tournament End Date:
- 24-11-2024
- Entry Open:
- 09-03-2024
- Entry Deadline:
- 08-11-2024
- Withdrawal Deadline:
- 10-11-2024
- Freeze Deadline:
- 11-11-2024
Tournament Organization:
- Tournament Organization:
- Schools Tennnis 10s
- TD's Mobile : :
- 0810637238
- Tournament Referee Name:
- Natthapol
- Referee's Phone:
- 874983859
- Tournament Director(TD) Name:
- นางสาวหนึ่งฤทัย ขันเงิน
- TD's Email:
- Referee's Certification:
- Referee's Email:
Venue Information:
- Name of The Venue:
- The Oceanic Sportel
- Name of Contact Person:
- นางสาวหนึ่งฤทัย ขันเงิน
- Email:
- Address:
- 37/7, M.1, Thepkasattri Road อำเภอเมืองภูเก็ต ภูเก็ต 83000
- Mobile No:
- +6681 063 7238
- Website:
Tournament Match Format:
Additional Information:
- To count the age, take the year of the competition set minus the year of birth.
- The Players can apply for 2 single and 1 double categories per person.
- Application fee Singles 800 baht/person
- Application fee Double 1,000 baht/Team
(Double pay at the venue and sign-in before 18.00 Saturday 23 November, @Referee Office 1 player can apply for 2 Singles / 1 Double )
Draw and time will be on the website 2 days before the competition.
The competition first matches starting at 8:00 a.m., which can check the competition time on the website
race type (The competition in a round robin group format)
1. Girl's & Boy's single 6 & under years old
2. Girl's singles 8 & under years old
3. Boy's singles 8 & under years old
4. Girl's singles 10 & under years old
5. Boy's singles 10 & under years old
Field and equipment
tennis racket
- Age 6 & under years old, Racket size not over 23 inches long
- Age 8 & under years old, Racket size not over 25 inches long
- Age 10 & under years old, Racket size not over 26 inches long
tennis court and tennis ball
- Age 6 & under years old, Red Ball court (Stage 3), split serve chords
- Age 8 & under years old, Orange Ball court (Stage 2)
- Age 10 & under years old, green ball court (Stage 1)
competition system
- Age 6 & under years old (1) game tie-break (10) points
Finals 2/3 Games Tie-Break (10) Points
- Age 8 & under years old (1) Set (4) Games (3-3) Tie-break (7) Points
Finals round 2/3 Sets (4) Games (3-3) Tie Break (7) Points Final set Super tie-break (10 points)
- Age 10 & under years old (1) Set (4) Games (3-3) Tie-break (7) Points
Finals round 2/3 Sets (4) Games (3-3) Tie Break (7) Points Final set Super tie-break (10 points)
Please transfer the fee before Monday 18, November to TTB Bank
Account Number : 160-2-16033-3 Account Name : Nuengruethai Khanngoen
The registration will be completed when you send proof of payment to our registration channel Line ID: neung2737
Tournament Name: 36th Tecnifibre Schools Tennis 10s Tournament 2024 By Oceanic Sportel, Week Of: 18-November-2024
Total No. Of Entered Players: 62
Boys Entered - 8
S.No. | First Name | Family Name | Province |
1 | Daniil | GRINSHTEYN | Russian Federation* |
2 | Dustin | RAJSKY | CBI |
3 | Emerson | YEH | United States* |
4 | Kai | STANTON | PKT |
5 | Krit | NAGDONTREE | AYA |
7 | Sira | YODTOR | PKT |
8 | Trikhun | CHAIYADEJ | BKK |
Girls Entered - 4
S.No. | First Name | Family Name | Province |
1 | Candy | ZHOU | China* |
2 | Eva | YANG | CBI |
3 | Nattida | YINGRATANACHOT | PKT |
4 | Wanwarin | KRAIKUL | PKT |
Boys Withdrawn
S.No. | First Name | Family Name | Province |
Boys Entered - 12
S.No. | First Name | Family Name | Province |
1 | Anatolii | SUKHORUKOV | Russian Federation* |
2 | Bogdan | PANOV | Russian Federation* |
3 | Daniil | GRINSHTEYN | Russian Federation* |
4 | Feimo | LI | PKT |
5 | Georg | GEVELING | PKT |
6 | Henry | MOSBACH | PKT |
7 | Krittapas | BOONWATTANOPAS | PKT |
8 | Nathan | SLATER | PKT |
9 | Papatsapon | NIYOMADUL | PKT |
10 | Rostislav | KOLOMOETS | Russian Federation* |
11 | Ruslan | IANOVICH | Russian Federation* |
12 | Satakhun | CHAIYADEJ | BKK |
Girls Entered - 7
S.No. | First Name | Family Name | Province |
1 | Emilia | RAIKOVA | PKT |
2 | Eva | YANG | CBI |
3 | Stephanie | TUREAC | Hong Kong* |
4 | Thinatcha | INTARASUK | SNI |
5 | Valeria | LOPEZ WEI | PKT |
6 | Yui | SHIRAI | PKT |
7 | Zlata | ZAVARZINA | Russian Federation* |
Boys Withdrawn
S.No. | First Name | Family Name | Province |
1 | Peeradon | THUEDUM | SNI |
2 | Patcharapol | JONGJAROONRANGSAN | SNI |
Boys Entered - 16
S.No. | First Name | Family Name | Province |
1 | Anatolii | SUKHORUKOV | Russian Federation* |
2 | Anthony | TONGCHEED | PKT |
3 | Enhao | GUO | PKT |
4 | Georg | GEVELING | PKT |
5 | Kennethj | HO | United States* |
6 | Leon | RAJSKY | CBI |
7 | Miron | BOGDANOV | Russian Federation* |
8 | Myint Myat | HAN | PKT |
9 | Nykodym | TRACHUK | PKT |
10 | Patcharapol | JONGJAROONRANGSAN | SNI |
11 | Phil | MA | PKT |
12 | Punyapat | ONGTIAMSAK | PKT |
13 | Ruslan | IANOVICH | Russian Federation* |
14 | Stanislav | TRACHUK | PKT |
15 | Xianyu | LIU | China* |
16 | Yichen | YANG | China* |
Girls Entered - 15
S.No. | First Name | Family Name | Province |
1 | Chotika | LIMMANAKUL | PKT |
2 | Kansini | LIMHIRUN | SNI |
3 | Mio | SHIRAI | PKT |
4 | Nika | ZAVARZINA | Russian Federation* |
5 | Pitchakorn | ENGCHUEN | KBI |
6 | Pitchaorn | ENGCHUAN | KBI |
7 | Prima | SAELEE | CPN |
8 | Sarutiya | WANITCHAYAKORN | TRG |
9 | Stephanie | TUREAC | Hong Kong* |
10 | Thinatcha | INTARASUK | SNI |
11 | Trairat | KETKAEW | PKT |
12 | Valeria | LOPEZ WEI | PKT |
13 | Xiwen | ZENG | China* |
14 | Xushu | WANG | PKT |
15 | Yui | SHIRAI | PKT |
Results Boys:
ผลการแข่งขันจะปรากฏขึ้นเมื่อผู้ตัดสินได้อัพโหลดขึ้น / Results will be visible once uploaded by the Referee
Results Girls:
ผลการแข่งขันจะปรากฏขึ้นเมื่อผู้ตัดสินได้อัพโหลดขึ้น / Results will be visible once uploaded by the Referee
ผลการแข่งขันจะปรากฏขึ้นเมื่อผู้ตัดสินได้อัพโหลดขึ้น / Results will be visible once uploaded by the Referee
ผลการแข่งขันจะปรากฏขึ้นเมื่อผู้ตัดสินได้อัพโหลดขึ้น / Results will be visible once uploaded by the Referee